RETRO is the theme for my company 2007 D&D. I have been brainstorming since last week. I shopped @ River Island, Daniel Yam, Mango, Zara... but I saw nothing refreshing UNTIL i talked to a friend who gave me some ideas.

Should I impersonate
the sexiest woman of the century? The white, pleated Deluxe Marilyn Monroe dress defines the seductive style of this silver screen siren. A realistic replica of the dress as seen in the film, 'The Seven Year Itch'. I need to get the wig too. Sounds very interesting, isnt it? 1st I must find a place that rent such clothes 2nd, if i can carry this look.
Another idea- to look like this Soda Pop gal. this look seems easier to create cos I have wavy hair too. Guess I just need to source out the places. Sunday seems to be a good day to go costume hunting! Actually I was thinking of looking for dresses that are inspired from the movie "HAIRSPRAY". To look like on of the character, I need to get my hair done with lots of hairspray sprinkled onto my hair to get the BIG look. if not.. get a wig. 
i think the hairspray character looks will be easier to source. good luck! make sure you post a pic of ur creation for us to see. hehe!
Tink the 1st costume suits U the best, bt U hv to bring a mini fan with U leh~~ else cannt constant hv the skirt blow up effect unless U happen to be standing on top of the aircon~~ Hahahaha!
Then U dun need a fake mole somemore~~ best leh!!! :D
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