Tears rolled down on my cheeks twice.. within just a short span of 4 hours. Don't worry my friends, no one bullied me.
The 1st incident that moved me: While waiting for the train, I watched a POSB commerical. That advertisement showed two school children waiting in the bus stop for the rain to stop. They were so happy when they saw their mother coming to their "rescue" with an umbrella. You must be wondering: "hey, what does this got to do with Denise?" oh yes... its relates to me, totally.
Recently, I walked my dog and suddenly, it started drizzling. I was an idiot for continuing to STROLL without a sense of emergency. Soon, it rained so Dash and me ran and ran to the nearest bus stop to wait for the rain to stop. We took a seat at the shelter and I told Dash, "We are going to be stuck here for some time." Miraculously.. I saw a plump auntie waving her hands fanatically from the opposite side of the road. I took a second glance, it was my mother. I was sooo touched as she made the effort to bring a simple umbrella. Why did salt water well in my eyes? because I wasnt carrying my mobile plus my mother told me that she just "felt that I would be there". Honestly, there were really many routes that I might take. It was the "linkage" within us that brought us together. At that moment, I was so sure that my mother is so great.. she will be there for me EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME.
2nd incident: It happened on the bus I took from Tampines back to my place. An old couple sat in front of me. The uncle smell like he just walked out of the bathroom. The smell so fresh and light, so familiar yet so far. my tears rolled down because I missed three people whom had a place in my heart very much. I missed their warmth, their voices, their jokes, their cooking but I wondered if they will remember me. (Well, I guess that doesnt matter.. as long as they gave me sweet memories). Sometimes, I have the urge to look for one of them just to say "hi" and ask how are they doing.
Oct 31, 2007
Oct 30, 2007
Why Men Love Bitches

We gathered together for Wendy's ROM and my beloved friend gave me a present (O.O) with a condition - to open it up later. Though its wrapped up I knew that it was a book (becos of the shape) and it cant be a stack of $100 notes right. hahaha. When I'm back home (with her and another friend), she asked me to open up. Ahhh.. It’s the book "Why men love bitches". Please dont misunderstand my friend's kind intention. She did not want me to become or behave as a bitch, literally. She told me that the book was suitable for me.. well, thanks for the compliment (cos she feels that I am not a bitch). haha :D. This book doesnt teach you to get other peeps' boyfriends, it just tells you to be more confident of yourself, understand yourself and most importantly, to know how to love yourself before loving others. Erm.. I know that this statement of mine is rather short for the book of over 200 pages. Not to worry folks, I will not take it too seriously nor I will read it as a bedtime story book. ( I guess if i read it too leisurelly, quek will kill me). Once i finish reading and analysising it, i will do a simple summary and share with every1. And oh yes "THANK YOU, QUEK! I Lup you" muacks muacks. (hee x 3)
Dash favourite game
Dash love playing "balls". When you say, "ball", dash will look around the area for either the tennis ball or his rubber ball. Once he found it, h will wiggle his tail so hard that its like a mini fan when you are behind it. He will also pull back his ears .. these are the expressions to show that he's very happy and would like to play with you.
Oct 22, 2007
YMCA celebrates 105 years
the event took place in botanica gardens. Since quek and I were there earlier, we took our stroll in the park. Oh yes, I drag quek to this event but luckily she din curse and swear. Let's give her 3 cheers: Hip hip hurray x3. We were asked to help out as guest ushers - to stand at designated spots and direct all the Guest to the event location. Honestly, its kind of boring (and very tiring on our poor feet). I started to daydream abit then a middle aged man came up to me and asked me, "do you know who you are supposed to usher?" I was like (O.o) and "huh?". Aiyo.. he's the director of YMCA posing to me such a question and I was tongue tied. Anyway, he laughed it off when i could not answer him.
Oct 13, 2007
Dash's No. 1 Trick
With the simple command "OPEN", my Dash will leap up and push the door lever down and the door is open :D my dog is sooooo smart. Mucks x 10
Oct 7, 2007
"back to yesterday" night
sorry BLOG for neglecting you. this time, i'm back with more updates. its my 1st D&D with my new company. its a nite of retro, fun, food and winnings!
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